
Dave Price

The concept of Canadian News on radio in Florida began with well known CBC sports and news personality Dave Price in 1953. The broadcasts first went to air January 4th, 1954.

Dave was known for more than two decades as “Florida’s Mr. Canada”. When he started doing the broadcasts to Florida the programs were produced at his home in Toronto. In later years the shows were based each winter in the Fort Lauderdale suburb of Plantation.

After hosting the daily shows for more than 20 years, the man once referred to as a “media-man extraordinaire” passed away at age 75.

We invite you to listen to Dave in conversation on CBC radio in the early ‘70’s and during an interview in the early 1960’s with Dick Pope, the creator of one of Florida’s original attractions, Cypress Gardens. Our thanks to CBC Archives for making these audio clips available.

One Response

  1. Valerie Host Lyons
    Valerie Host Lyons 28/01/2016 at 2:16 PM · Reply

    I was thrilled to see my Uncle Dave’s radio program is still operating after all these years. Finding this page with his picture and being able to hear his voice again was amazing. Dave Price was married to my father’s sister, Kate Host. We spent a lot of good times at their home in Toronto, where he had his studio. Uncle Dave would be so proud to know that his legacy lives on.

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